Friday, February 23, 2018

Really Just a Zoo

Darwin, Australia, is in Northern Territory which is not a state of Australia.  It is a territory, and they want it that way, thank you.  I have no idea what the difference is, but the residents have voted to remain a territory, probably because this will insure that there are no more levels of government involved.

Darrell went on a tour of military Darwin.  This was the most bombed city in Australia during World War II, so it had extensive anti-aircraft installments and underground bunkers for ammunition storage.

Unfortunately, his tour was cut short for some unknown reason, so he did not get to see much of the B-52 and the F-111 which were his primary reasons for going on this tour.

Sue went on a tour to Crocodylus Park, which she hoped would be as interesting as the tour she took in Cairns.  It was not.  This was mainly just a zoo with animals in relatively small spaces or cages.  In addition to crocodiles, they had a pair of lions which we got to see from about 6 feet away (on the other side of a heavy fence) while a keeper fed them and lectured us on extinction vs maintaining a captive breeding pool.  Many of the animals were wisely sleeping in shady dens to get out of the hot sun.

A Dingo, the Australian wild dog.
The ostrich looked over the fence.

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