Tierra Del Fuego literally means "Land of the Fires." There are a couple of stories about how this Large island at the tip of South America got its name, both stories related to the explorer Ferdinand Magellan. The natives of this area never wore clothes. They had evolved with thicker torsos and a higher metabolism rate which allowed them to withstand lower temperatures. They ate a lot of fatty meat from seals and, having greasy fingers, wiped fat all over their bodies, thus creating a layer of water-repellent fat which also helped them keep warm. However, even they needed fire to keep from freezing. Magellan saw the smoke from these fires and thought the smoke to be from small volcanic type eruptions or hot springs. The other story says that the natives saw him coming and relayed a warning to other encampments. Take your pick, but I believe the first one.

The National Park lies on land abutting Chile. It is a favorite with hikers and campers because it is easily reached by bus, car and train. Darrell took the train the first day we were in Ushuaia. The rails go through rugged land which was stripped of trees to make railroad ties, firewood and buildings in Ushuaia. Horseback riding is popular in the area, but no horses are allowed in the park.

We enjoyed the snow capped mountains and lakes. This area is often cloudy, foggy or rainy, or all three. We were lucky to have a sunny day on our second day in Ushuaia when we took a bus to the National Park. This male goose was watching for predators to protect the female and their six goslings as they fed in the grass nearby.
At the first stop we were at a fresh water lake, surrounded by mountains. The lake connected with the salt water of the Beagle Channel.
The next stop was at Lake Zaratuegui for more beautiful lake and mountain scenery.

The next 2 days are listed as Scenic Cruising as we head for the very southern tip of South America, on our way to the Chilean port city of Puenta Arenas on the Strait of Magellan.
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