Sunday, December 18, 2022

Thar She Blows….or Not


I was scheduled to go kayaking today.  However, there were 3-foot swells, which makes kayaking very difficult, so I was able to switch to a Zodiac ride.

I donned my gear and got into an inflatable ship with a “Captain” and 4 other passengers.  We set off in search of whales on a choppy foggy sea.  Earlier trips had seen hundreds of whales, so we were on the look-out for spouts, tails or any other sign of whales.  It was a pleasant ride in light fog.  Well, maybe light is not the word.  About 3 minutes after we got away from the ship it was impossible to tell that there was any ship there.  Fortunately, the captain had a handy device which could point the way back to the Octantis.  We looked for almost an hour and saw not one whale!

Darrell was on another Zodiac and their group did not see whales either.  In fact, none of the groups saw any whales.

When Darrell got back from this cruise, he got on the SOB (Special Operations Boat) with about a dozen others.  This is an open sided ship, so you can get wet if you sit too far toward the back.  They saw whales.  They saw dozens, or maybe even hundreds, of whales.  They must have all been on vacation from 5:00 to 6:00.

We are technically in Antarctic waters since we are at the correct geographic point.  However, I will not feel like I have gotten to Antarctica until I set foot on the ground (0r snow or ice or rocks).

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